Dear Life

Dear life,

I love you. I really do. Sometimes you might think I don't, but it's all a lie. I do. You and I, we've had a good run this year. I started out in my own apartment in Logan, rockin' the 40 hour work week and lovin' it.

Then I upped and decided I was lonely and you dished up a studdly man for me to fall head over heels with. Of course, you also dished up a few doozies before Chuck came along, but each of them taught me something different. All of that has helped me be who I am today! So it's all good. I forgive you. ;) I got married to that stud, you know. And as a result, I fell even more in love with you!

I'll say it again, you have been oh-so-generous to me this year.

I've added a new niece into my circle of love; I got a new job; I made new friends; I quit a new job. I found that I can cook more than just taco soup and cookies. I've had a few emotional bumps along the path to 2011, but they have just made me all the more confident in my capacity to succeed. I have discovered that one puppy can ultimately destroy an apartment in a matter of 4 unattended seconds, and about 10 attended seconds. I have 2 new amazing in-laws to love. I have learned how to succor fish into biting my line out of shear pity. I have discovered that marbling a cake works best if you actually let your cream cheese soften like it says in the instructions. I've managed to prove my husband's studliness again and again because he still loves me despite his late and unseemly birthday 'marbled chocolate bars'. I've realized that one is out of their noggin to brave Wal Mart on New Year's Eve. Just don't do it, life. You'll regret it.

I've learned so much, and loved so much. I've hurt; I've laughed; I've made a fool of myself; I've made myself proud. I've cried; I've skipped (yes, literally. A grown woman. Skipping); I've done so very much. And there's much more where that came from.

So, dear life, please make sure 2011 is prepped for me. Because I'd hate to scar it forever and ever. I can do that sometimes, you know.

Love, me


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