My Little One Is OLD!

How did the last year fly by without me even realizing it?!

It feels like maybe five months since I had Hannah, but NoooOOoOoOo. I'm way off. It also feels like about 3 months ago that we had tithing settlement, so that shows how good I am at the lapse of time. It's pretty obvious that it gets away from me. :)

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The morning of the party was calm. I had all the decorations piled a mile high on every flat surface in my bedroom; waiting for their chance to shine. I planned on picking up the cake a half an hour before the party started, but my wise mother advised me to do that earlier. I'm sure glad she did, because in all my planning, I failed to calculate "lunch".

I rarely eat during the day {I'm weird, I know} and so when my husband asked what was for lunch, I was a little caught off guard. We decided on an obscure place in Magna that makes the YUMMIEST sandwiches in the world.

We rushed back to the house after stuffing our faces and picking up the cake and balloons because I failed to remember to set up the decorations before going out to lunch.

Darn food. It threw everything for a loop!

Despite having a rather frazzled beginning, everything smoothed itself out in the end and resulted in a very nice party! I really enjoyed having it as an 'open house' so that people could come and go as they pleased. It really helped take the pressure off and made for a casual, inviting atmosphere.

We had this video/slideshow thingy playing in the background so that people could see how much Squeaker has changed over the past year--

I may or may not have gotten teary-eyed while making that. I plead the fifth. {I don't think it copied over correctly because the ending is a little different. I apologize! It's close enough, though!}

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If you'd like to see the additional pictures from the party, I'm going to upload them to Facebook. Blogger and I are having an argument over how many pictures I can upload to my blog, and my backup plan {to include the html code from a third party site and bypass Blogger all together} wants to display the pictures too large for the format of my blog.

Long story short? Be my friend on Facebook and you'll be able to see the pictures :) I apologize for the inconvenience!

P.S. Completely unrelated to Hannah's birthday--- they poured the foundation for our house today! Whoopie! Now if we could just get the weather to cooperate a little bit better. . .


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