DIY Cord Organizer

Hey, friends!

If you're anything like me, you hate having your cords all wild and free while not in use. I have a particularly large problem with my curling wand/straightener cords, ya see.

Up until this very moment, I would wrap my cord around the wand/straightener (once it was cooled down) and call it a day.

But, alas, I noticed my cords were perpetually getting twisted and curly (i.e. ruined).

Have you ever had that problem?


I put my foot down today and sewed up some cord organizers (a.k.a "cord keepers" if you're all cool).

Let us band together and say NO to wily cords. They do not control us! We shall triumph over them!

Here's what you'll need:


interfacing (optional)

sewing machine

velcro (the sew-on kind, not the sticky kind)

sewing pins (optional)

iron (recommended, but you can squeak by without one)

pattern piece (found HERE)

To get started, you'll want to cut out 2 pattern pieces (found HERE) from your fabric stash. I used 100% cotton, but I'm sure you can use whatever you have lying around! {to give you an idea, the dimensions of the pattern are roughly 7" x 4"}.

Oh, and 1/4" seam allowances are already included, by the way.

NOTE: If your fabric is super flimsy, you'll probably want to use the pattern to cut 1 from a light interfacing. Iron it to the WRONG side of one of your pattern pieces and proceed to the next step.

Next, cut yo'self some velcro.
I like the soft side best (doesn't everyone?), so cut that 2". Cut the pokey side to 1".
These are all very technical terms, I know. 


Now, set your velcro somewhere that you won't lose it, and put your fabric RIGHT SIDES facing. Pin it in place if you would like. I like to live on the wild side, so I don't bother.

 Sew around the outside, approximately 1/4" from the raw edge. Make sure to leave a gap so you can turn it right side out after you're finished.

{Oh, and if you're a little new to sewing, here's a tidbit: leave your needle down in the fabric at each of the corners. That way, you simply lift your presser foot, rotate the fabric, lower your presser foot, and keep on sewing! No need to stop and start 50 times.}

Now you're going to want to trim those corners. Get as close as you can to the stitching without actually cutting it. This will result in beautiful, sharp corners once you turn it right-side out.

Once you're all trimmed, turn that puppy right-side out and press flat with your iron. 

 Top stitch around the outside, about an 1/8" from the outside edge. Personally, I like to start at my opening (that I used to turn the whole thing right-side out just a minute ago). That way, I know I'm sewing it shut and I don't have to worry about it later on. Do what floats your boat!

Since we've already discussed that I prefer the soft side of the velcro, I like to start with him. Put it in the middle of one side (it really doesn't matter which) and sew it on. You can measure to find the exact center. . . but, uh, I don't. I eyeball it.
{just don't tell my husband, okay? He's Mr. Measure-Everything-And-Do-It-Right-The-First-Time. He would kill over if he saw how not perfect these little guys are.}

Once that's sewn on, flip it over so the fuzzy velcro is now facing your machine/table. Sew the pokey velcro in the middle on the OPPOSITE side. Capeesh?

And guess what? You're totally done.

I hope this tutorial was somewhat helpful and easy to follow. . . I'm kind of a 3 on the "easy to understand" spectrum, so, bless you for making it this far.

Feel free to adjust anything you need on this pattern. . . for example, if you want more or less velcro, DO IT. I won't even know, let alone get mad at you.

Now go show those cords who's boss!

Annnnd don't forget to post pictures of your finished product in the comments below! I wanna see your cute fabric so that I have an excuse to go buy some more. Help a sister out.


  1. You can do anything with a sewing machine and fabric!

    1. Oh, thanks, ma! I really can't, but I fake it pretty well. :) hahaha!


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