Must or Bust: Homemade Bagels

This is going to be the world's shortest post for a couple different reasons:

1) I want to go enjoy the thunderstorm that's goin' on outside, and my laptop told me that it would combust if I took it outside in the rain. Rude.

2) I still have to put dinner in the crock pot and can't find the recipe I want to use. I'm on a roll.

3) My laptop has been playing music on Spotify for a good 3 hours now, and it's beginning to overheat. I'm pretty sure it's burning a hole through my lap, in fact. Bad laptop. Bad.

4) I don't have much wisdom to impart about this Must or Bust. You just can't go wrong!

. . . . .

Homemade Bagels: MUST

Seriously. Go make these. Right now.

Dust off your bread machine and go for the gold!

I made the raisin idea she has listed {with Raisin Bran}, but I also added some cinnamon. I didn't measure, because I'm a rebel. But don't be shy. . . or you won't taste it.

Oh, and don't let the whole 'boiling water' thing freak you out. It's easy-peasy.

Have fun and let me know if this works out for you!!


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