September's Little Moments

My little moments are kind of all over the place this month, so consider yourselves warned! :)

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- Soap. I love it. Particularly, Bath and Body Works soap. I love that I can have soaps geared to seasons. . . and I have been particularly grateful that I haven't run out of my summer scents sooner because I have been smelling like Christmas for the past few days and it's messing with my head. Stock up on enough soap to get you through each season, my friends. Lesson learned.

- Fresh cookies coming out of the oven. Right now. I know you're jealous; don't even pretend otherwise. ;)

- The Atonement of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 'Nuff said.

- Hannah's never ending obsession with Zoe's toy:

{"Nooo! Why'd you take it away, Mom?!"}

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- Being married to the best man in the world! He is so perfect for me, I just don't know how I got to be so lucky.

- Hannah's newest talent:

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 - Having awesome grandparents who read my blog {Surprise, Grandma and Grandpa! Love you guys!}

- My dishwasher. I go through stages where I prefer to wash my dishes by hand, but this is definitely not one of those times.

- Watching Squeaker try and grab something out of her reach to the point where she literally bends herself in half. She's pretty much a pro at getting what she wants with minimal effort. :)

- Practicing my violin and having Hannah "sing along". She thinks it's the best thing ever to try and scream loader than I can play. Trying to work out the lines of sky high symphony music and not being able to tell if I'm in tune because my offspring is trying to hit the same note. . . it's one of those things that makes me laugh in spite of myself.

- Stuffing my face with as much Kirkland Almond Toffee as humanly possible {how do I not weigh 400 pounds?!}. . . yeah, thanks mom. This is all your fault! Stupid wonderfully amazing toffee. . .


- "Wait, what?!" you just thought. "She loves dirt?" You bet your bottom dollar! Most specifically, THIS dirt:

 Why? Well, because it's ours now and that's where our house will be built in a few months, of course!

{Don't worry, more info will be coming soon!}


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