Taking It For Granted
Have you ever been going along your merry way when something happens {directly or indirectly} that makes you suddenly realize just how much you take for granted?
The past week or so, the Lord has put in my path people and thoughts that have reopened my eyes to all of my blessings. For example, I keep thinking, "Gee. I really need to stop taking my time with Hannah for granted. I literally just assume things will stay the same and I'll have all the time in the world to cuddle her and love her and teach her." But what if I don't?
I don't want to sound like Debbie Downer here, but what if something were to happen? I haven't been living my life in such a way that I would be able to look back on my time with my daughter and say that I'm completely satisfied with what I did. I need to do better at living in the moment and appreciating every little thing!
I won't be perfect at it and I'm sure I'll still get frustrated, but looking at life as a gift instead of a right will help me keep things in perspective.
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Some other things that I take for granted {courtesy of yet another night of allusive sleep}:
- my pillow
- fingernail clippers
- my ability to conceive and carry a child full term
- my thumbs
- cohesive thoughts
- the ability to stay warm/cool and receive light at the hands of technology in a blink of an eye {what if I had to build a fire whenever I was cold or light a candle when I needed light? Sheesh. I would be cold and in the dark an awful lot!}
- virtually every single function of my body
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It's all amazing stuff, and we're so lucky to have the chance to be here! I challenge each of you to think of your own list . . . it really helped to open my eyes to appreciate what I've been given. It also prompted me to give thanks to Heavenly Father for continuing to bless me despite my lack of gratitude.
Many of you have probably seen this floating around the internet:
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I really love that quote!. . . Even though the first time I read it was like a slap in the face for me :)
Love your life, despite any imperfection in it. Love it and live it; because this is the only chance we get! We can't expect a second chance if we happen to get hit with a bus today or fall down an open sewer hole. We can't claim that it wasn't fair and that we didn't know. Of course we didn't know when we'll pass away. . . that's sort of the point! We need to learn to live each day like it's our last, just in case. :)
Be grateful, and you'll never go without.
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