Puppy Love

So something has occurred to me.

Puppies are a lot of work. So are kids. Now, I'm not claiming that raising Zoe is exactly like raising a kid. Kid's generally don't chew on your rugs.

But I AM claiming that staying home with Zoe has taught me a lot about myself. Like how not to pull out all my hair in large clumps. And how to laugh when she manages to destroy just about everything. In short-- how to still love even when I'm frustrated, frazzled, and furious.

The past month with Zoe has given me hope that I really can handle a madhouse full of kids. Again, not because I'm comparing Zoe to having a kid. You can't put a kid in a kennel and leave for a few hours. But what I'm getting at here is that if I can handle what Zoe dishes out now, I will be able to handle what a kid (and kids) dish out down the road.

And that, my friends, is a wonderful, empowering feeling that I've never felt before.

So, woohoo! :)


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