The Short Bus - Part 2

I realized that I forgot to explain the title in the Part 1 post 

We call the Neon SRT-4 "The Short Bus" because, first of all, it's yellow. Secondly, because it has the turning radius of a school bus. Or so my husband says. Thus the name was born.

Picking up where we left off last time, Chuck started to transfer the block to what is known as a "cherry picker". . . which is basically a cool little thingy that hoists your engine in the air and enables you to put it in the car (or take it out).

By the way, that totally sexy Wal-Mart bag was serving as a shield to keep debris from getting into the turbo. Just so we're clear there.

Now here's a picture of the shifter cables from the car BEFORE compared to the brand new shifter cables. There's a tiny bit of a difference, don't you think?

Now for the actual installation. . .  

And a little rewiring. . . 

{P.S. Can you see how much dirt is on the back of his jacket? Holy Moley, that man was sooooo dirty from laying underneath the car. Out of control.}

Time to pop the dashboard back on. . . 

And to give you an idea of how filthy the car was. . . 

It's hard to tell in the pictures, but there were quite a few layers of dirt caked on there. I'm sure you can imagine. 2 years being parked under a carport will do that.

Stay tuned!


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