Zoe vs. The Vacuum

Let's just get one thing straight--- my husband LOVES to tease our dog. He will tease her with anything and everything he possibly can.

Recently on the list:

-The full-length mirror in our bedroom.
-The impact wrench (you know, the fancy tool that takes off the lug nuts at lightening speed so you can get your tire off in a timely fashion).
-The hand towel from the kitchen.
-The decorative washrag from the bathroom.
-The comforter on the bed.
-His coat.
-His body.

And, of course, the vacuum.
Zoe and the vacuum have long since been wary of each other, but just recently, Chuck has bumped it up to an entirely new level. I think they have a 'love-hate' relationship. She loves to play games and act like she's all tough, but deep down inside, she's scared spit less.

But you can judge that for yourself----

{Sorry for the poor video/sound quality... one day I'll own a camera/recorder that is not also my phone}

P.S. Can you see the two black spots on her side? One is on her shoulder, one is on her rump. At one point in the video you can hear me comment on how filthy she is. Yeah, well, SOMEONE was helping her pappa work on the car earlier that day. :) 


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