
So once upon a time, we finally brought Zoe home.

She spent the entire trip back home perched on my lap, looking over my shoulder, whimpering. Every time we would turn a corner, she would try to climb higher onto my shoulder. Of course, I don't think it helped much that Chuck felt it necessary to introduce her to her first dose of G-forces in the truck on the same night we estranged her from her family. :)

Once she got home, she got inducted into the family immediately. We had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday instead of on Thursday because my husband and his brother had to work. Everyone was still there when we came home with Zoe, so about 30 kids bombarded her as soon as they made eye contact. I don't think she minded, though. Especially because those same kids left their toys all over the floor for her to try and carry off.

We got her downstairs and she began to explore. Naturally, she found the most interest in our shoes, power cords, and just about everything else she shouldn't mess with.

She slept the first half of the night in her kennel (much to our surprise... we thought she wouldn't last long in there at all!). After a water break and a potty break, she decided she had had enough of the kennel and wasn't shy about telling us so. She then slept with us in the bed. That worked out well until she peed in the bed at about 9:45 am. Oh well. Those sheets needed to be washed anyway. Right?

Unfortunately, she's peed in about 2 or 3 different spots on the carpet, one spot in the kitchen, pooped on the bathroom floor, and has now commenced in gassing us out of house and home. She's been having puppy dreams for the past 30 minutes and she's been lettin' them fly the whole time. It's about enough to curl up the wallpaper... If we had any wallpaper. Instead, it's just singing my nose hairs.

But she's far too cute to stay mad at for more than about 5 seconds. Lucky for her. :)


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