Just One Of THOSE Days

Do you ever have one of those days where you just feel like a blob?

I'm having one of those days. I don't want to do anything, but I don't want to do nothing. It's quite the predicament.

A little while ago, I settled for playing spider solitaire while eating original Baked Lays potato chips and jamming out to Neil Young. That kept me entertained for, um, like, 15 minutes. [Probably because I've been playing spider solitaire for hours on end the past few days (just ask the husband) and I'm burning myself out on it; I didn't want to eat the entire bag of chips in one sitting; and I can't seem to find any of my favorite songs from Neil. Tsk Tsk]

I could tell last night that today was probably not gonna be a productive day. . . I could feel the inner blob winning out over my productive self.  I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant (which is a pretty darn good excuse for just about everything, btw), but my inner blob seems to be the dominating champion a lot lately. It should be featured on WWF. I gave the house a whopping good clean the other day, and so maybe this is my blob's way of getting back at me.

I've already downed 2 chocolate covered bananas, too. Potato chips and chocolate covered bananas. Yum. ;)

When I finally convinced myself to get dressed and run a brush through my hair this afternoon morning, I had to bail out of the bathroom in short order because I took one gander at my beautiful complexion and felt depressed. Oh, wait, That's right. My complexion isn't on the 'beautiful' side of the spectrum these days. And it pisses me off. Probably counterproductive, but, eh, whatcha gonna do?! I seem to have skipped right on over the 'glowing pregnant woman period' in time, which makes me sad.

Who knows. Maybe there's some glow left in me. . . but I shant hold my breath. Besides, if I DID, I wouldn't be glowing. I would be blue. And that would be bad.

So, basically, to recap-- today is just one. of. those. days. But I'm thinking about whipping up some cookies or something sweet and yummy, and that usually always fixes whatever is wrong. Right? Except for when I get a double chin, flabby arms, and look like I'm 30 weeks instead of 15. Eh. It's all relative. ;)


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