
So I stumbled across a very interesting quote this morning:

"For generations, wise men and women have observed that "freedom is never free." The price of freedom is hard work and sacrifice, faith and resolve, commitment to the principles of independence. And this is not a price we can pay just once. The bill comes due again with each successive generation. . . 

"More than a passive appreciation, our loyalty to liberty activates within us a desire to protect, uphold, and pass on principles of freedom to the next generation.

"As Ronald Reagan warned, ' Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.'

"Every boy and girl, every man and woman, can do his or her part to promote and protect freedom. And as we do, our hearts will swell with a loyalty to liberty." 

Suffice it so say that I had an 'ah HA' moment while reading this. I think a lot about raising kids and children growing up in the world today. Do they realize that freedom isn't free? Do they understand what this quote is telling us? I don't know the answer to that. I don't know if most adults understand what this quote is trying to explain to us. It's SO easy to forget about how much sacrifice is required to remain free. It's not something that gets stamped on a piece of paper and is then passed safely and effortlessly from generation to generation. If an enemy comes marching up to us, we can't just whip out that piece of stamped paper and point, saying, "You can't do anything to jeopardize our freedom. See the stamp?!? Duh."

It requires sacrifice from every single person who enjoys it. Sacrifice, hard work, commitment. . . just like the quote mentions. I can only pray that each of us can raise up a new generation that believes in those qualities so that our freedom can be preserved throughout many years to come. Freedom is a blessing; not a privilege! :)    


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