Little Moments That Really Matter

It has been a fairly large blog-eternity since I've written a "Little Moments" post, and since I can't seem to get my brain to think of anything more substantial to write about, you're gonna get one today.

If you're new around here {Hi! Hello! Welcome! Hi! Hello!}, this is basically where I start randomly listing little things and/or moments that have made me happy in the last while. The idea is to get me focusing on enjoying the little things instead of always getting lost in the hustle and bustle of life. . . and it's supposed to do the same for you!

So let's get crackin'.

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-- FamilySearch Indexing. I know, I know. You thought only cool retired people indexed. But, no. I just wish I was cool like them. I always try my best to read those loopy, elaborate, sometimes-absolutely-illegible names and plug 'em in correctly, but what's really neat is when I have absolutely NO idea what a name is and then it comes to me. There are definitely whispers comin' from the other side of the veil to help out, that's for sure! {if you'd like to try your hand at indexing, HERE is a good place to start!}

-- Watching my husband play his Gran Turismo 6 game and llleeeeeaaaaannnn in real life when his car isn't making it around a corner.

-- "Oh How I Love Thee Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup" ice cream. With a name like that, you'd think I made it up. But, no. I just eat it by the carton-full. That's all.

-- Ward choir practice. I've only been the choir director for, uh, four {five?} months or so. . . and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. . . but I love it! I adore the interaction with members of the ward in a casual and yet spiritually fulfilling way. It's even better now that Chuck has been able to come! He probably doesn't agree because Hannah spends most of the time jumping on his feet and trying to eat the hymn books, but he has a wonderful bass voice. The more the merrier!

-- Watching Hannah get her first hair cut:

 photo FirstHaircut_zps995509c2.png
{thanks, Alana!}

-- Sleep. I just love it. And I know it will be in short supply here soon, so I try to squeeze in all I can. Unfortunately, Hannah doesn't share my devotion to hibernation. The last time I tried to nap on the couch while she was watching a movie, she suddenly had a ferocious desire for me to read her a book. When I didn't read it because my eyes were closed and ramming the book into my nose wasn't helping, she decided that she had better join me on the couch. Of course, she used my cheek as a hand-hold to pull herself up. Needless to say, that was the shortest nap in human history.

-- Pedicures. Because having a basketball/watermelon hybrid stuck in my belly makes maintaining my own pigs impossible. I'm fairly sure I gave the poor fella who did the work on my feet nightmares, though. I wouldn't be surprised if he went into the backroom and wept for his life after I left. Or drank whiskey in large amounts. Or somethin'.

-- Hearing Hannah "beep beep" her belly button. We once joked that poking her belly button made a horn sound and ever since, she's been completely sold on the idea. She comes to find MY belly button, however, and assuming she even makes it through the forty-five layers of clothing I wear in order to find my bare belly, she can't locate my belly button because it more closely resembles a turkey timer. So, instead, she just starts poking and "beep"ing anywhere on the massive globe of my stretched self. Seems legit.

-- The generosity of my ward family in showering me with little boy clothes! I had a few stockpiled {mainly from my mother getting a head start on spoiling him}, but I would definitely be wrapping Curtis in tin foil if it weren't for them.

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Don't forget to check the sidewalk cracks of your own life to find the enjoyable little moments hiding there! It really helps put things in perspective when you might be feeling overwhelmed or grumpy. And if nothing else, it should serve to make you smile a little!

So, go on and enjoy your weekend {almost}! Get out'a here and breathe in all that smog. ;)


  1. The nap one totally made me laugh. Pretty much the EXACT same thing has happened to me a few times.


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