Behind. . .

No, this post isn't about my bum. So don't you worry.

Rather, it's about another kind of behind. Namely, the fact that I'm so far gone on updating my blog that I don't even know where to start. Yeah. Bad news, I know.

If you're my buddy-dude on Facebook, chances are good that you've seen most of these pictures before. Or all of them. So just grin and bear it. :)

I got a wild hair about a week ago and decided to put gel in Hannah's hair. The result? Wild hair of a completely different sort :

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I've recently starting taking private lessons for my violin. I've not had any since college, but we won't get into that. Let's just say that I've realized that I've basically been doing things wrong for, um, 14 years. That's all. No biggie. SoooOOOoOooOOOooo, I've been doing a lot of practicing. Not all of which has been able to happen while Hannah is napping {for obvious reasons}. So when she's awake, I take her into the bedroom with me, pop her in her BeBe {I just hate that name. So I'll probably call it a Bumbo from here on out until I forget and call it a BeBe again}, and surround her with toys. She usually drops the toys after about 3 seconds, but she's getting better. 

I was practicing one day and didn't hear her talking to herself for a few minutes {she's just in the middle of our bed behind me}. I turned around and found this:

Hmmmm. . . I must be really good at playing the violin.

At least that's what I tell myself.


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My husband bought his wife a fancy camera {at least to me} for our 2 year anniversary, and so I've been playing with that a lot lately. Here are some of those pictures :

P.S. I am TOTALLY not a photographer. The end. 

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A few weeks ago we had one of our monthly family parties at my mother-in-law's husband's mothers house.
Say THAT five times fast.

They had a swing.

Naturally, this ensued :

She wasn't too sure about it. {And not to fear, we didn't actually push her in it. Pretty sure she would have fallen out of one of the leg holes and flown into the neighbor's yard. And we generally try and avoid that whenever possible.}

And here she is kickin' back with the love of her life : 

Yeah. She seemed pleased.

More updates to come, folks! On the list {you might want to sit down somewhere and check your pulse} : our completely random trip to Logan with our neighbor, Jakey-poo and our fascinating anniversary trip to Moab.

Killer stuff. 


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