Must or Bust: Pregnancy-Themed

Forgive me, but some of my Must or Busts may center around the theme of kiddies for a little bit. I have some projects rattling around in my head that I'd like to do before February, but I pinky promise that I'll spread them out.

But this isn't one of those weeks. Prepare to be overwhelmed :)

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DIY Maternity Band: Bust

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You guys. . .  I can't sew with knit. If my life and livelihood depended on my ability to make something with knit fabric, I would certainly be poor. And dead. I've seen a couple different tutorials for making a maternity band, but ya'll know how much I love Ashley's tutorials over at "Make It and Love It". This one, HERE was no exception.

"I can totally do this!" I thought.

Yeah, well.

I found some knit on clearance at Hobby Lobby and set to work.

I failed.

For whatever reason, I just couldn't get my zig-zag stitch to allow the fabric to stretch enough. It still puckered and didn't lay flat. But despite all those signs to quit while I was ahead, I tried to slide it up over my ever widening hips and felt some seams snap. Oh dang.

Needless to say that I flung that little punk into my pile of rejects and fumed for a bit. Especially because it's supposed to be so simple. I love when that happens. It makes me feel like a ninja.

Okay, not really.

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Baby Shower Gift/ Ultrasound Picture Frame: Must

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This one turned out better, but only marginally. Don't ask me why hanging my ultrasound picture on the fridge by itself wasn't sufficient. I don't know. All I know is that I had to make this project whether it killed me or not.

I saw this idea on Sarah's blog "Multifarious Life" HERE. She says she copied the idea it from a Pinterest picture she saw {small world}. I was all excited to make my own until I saw the words "FREE HAND".

I don't claim to be an artist, so to free hand draw something like this was intimidating, to say the least. But it's pretty obvious my "stop-while-you're-ahead" switch is dislodged in my brain, so I gathered together some supplies and got to work.

This ended up being the coolest thing I could come up with given my supply of scrap paper and impatient nature:

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I'd love to say it looks tons better in real life, but I'm not completely convinced of that myself. :) It was still fun, though. I have it hanging in a 4 x 6 magnetic frame on the fridge so I can see it every time I go to stuff my face.

I changed her hair from the original since my hair is shorter, but you can do whatever your little heart desires. And, just because I'm nice, I'm going to give you guys the link to my wonderful {HA!} free-hand drawing of this little lady in case you'd like to make one yourself. Keep in mind that it's not perfect, but it should give you something to start from. I also left the belly area incomplete so you can adjust it freely to fit your ultrasound picture. Enjoy! HERE is that link. {Hopefully it works when you go to print it out. . . I'm not very technically inclined. She might be HUGE. . . so, um, good luck with that.}

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I promise that the next Must or Bust won't have baby stuff in it, okay? Deal? Until then, my friends!


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