Just Another Day =)

This may very well be the world's shortest blog entry. Okay, fine. Maybe only in the world of Jessica. But that's still saying something. :o) On the other hand, let's face it. I can turn the most simple sentence into a paragraph and the simplest day into a novel.

I went out to buy groceries for dinner tonight and ended up with new shoes, a new hat, a black scuff from a rouge shopping cart on those brand new shoes, two new decorations for fall and winter, and, of course, a small basket full of groceries. Yeeee-ha.

Shhhhh... don't tell my husband.

And for that same husband who is currently reading this and shaking his head, remember that you love me because I cook you food. And fold your clothes. And clean the house. And... nope. I'm out of ammo. Just remember that you love me. =)

But DUDE! I was so excited. The super nice yet somewhat femmy teenage boy who worked at Payless was the best Payless associate I think I've ever come across. He wasn't pushy or obnoxious-- he let me know about the killer sales and went about his merry way, only occasionally walking down my aisle and laughing under his breathe at my utter indecision. I think I had about 20 pairs of shoes strewn out among the full length of the aisle before I settled on a light purple pair of American Eagle flats that were on clearance for only 11 doll hairs. Yes, you heard me. My euphoria only escalated when the super nice yet somewhat femmy teenage boy rang the shoes up and announced that they were actually 7 dollars. Dang. I felt like Columbus discovering a new continent.

20 minutes later as I was walking painfully through Blockbuster trying to find a specific movie I was in the mood to watch but didn't own (yet...), I realized I totally should have gotten the 10w and not the 10. Yes, I know what you're thinking. "Sweet mother of pearl, that woman has huge feet. Why didn't she lie and say she wore a size 5?" Just because. I don't wear a size 5. People who wear size 5 can't use their bare feet to water ski and they certainly can't use them for toboggans.

I called up that super nice yet somewhat femmy teenage boy and explained my predicament. He was sympathetic to my plight and agreed to let me exchange them for a different size, despite them being on clearance. I hastily put that bothersome little sticker with the price back into the shoe (you know... the one that if you don't remove it prior to using the shoe, the heat from your foot will quickly melt the glue so that you can NEVER take off the sticker unless you want a vexatious square of sticky stuff permanently in its place) and looped the "American Eagle" badge back onto the toe. Whew.

I walked into the store to find my little femmy fellow already walking up the aisle with the correct pair of 10w in his hand, and a big ol' grin on his face. He remembered me, the poor soul. As I turned to walk back out the door, my eye caught a glimpse of one of those wide, floppy brimmed sun hats. The kind that Sandra Bullock looks SOOO stinkin' cute in while fishing in "Hope Floats". Does that help? Suffice it to say, I've been looking for one of those forEVER. Welcome to my heart, little hat.

Only after donning my new pair of correctly fitting (if not still characteristically uncomfortable for the kind of shoe) flats and grabbing a shopping cart at Harmon's did I look down and see a black smudge on my toe. I was tempted to throw it at someone. Or at very least, scream bloody murder. But I didn't. I sucked in an insane amount of air through flared nostrils and went about my shopping trip. But before you cry for me, know that I miraculously got the stain 98% out thanks to the mercy of Western Family stain remover. That stuff is my hero.

Well, my hubby is due home in about 3 minutes and I haven't started making diner, so, uh... gotta run. But if you take nothing else with you from this pointless entry, it is watch out for shopping cart grease if you're in new shoes.


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