
Isn't it beautiful?

I mean, really. Does anybody else ever get so caught up in the day-to-day grind that they sometimes forget how glorious life is?

Can any of us really even count all of our blessings? I know that whenever I try, I get up in the 20's and I start to lose count and I think "Holy Toleeto! I could still go on forever!" The Lord has blessed me with anything and everything I could ever hope for, and I pout because I just painted my toenails and one already got smudged. Or say maybe my dinner rolls didn't rise like I wanted them to so I forget how wonderful it is to even HAVE rolls.

It's kind of like the "you-don't-know-what-you've-got-until-it's-gone" sort of philosophy. Ever forget you use a muscle until it's sore?

Why is it that we all tend to lose sight of what's important when things go according to plan? If the sun is shining, we complain it's too hot. When it's raining or snowing, we wish it were warm. hahahaha! It's rather funny to think about, actually. Such fickle beings, we are. ;)

Just yesterday, my husband spent who knows how many hours trying to upload something to my computer to help make my life easier... and squandered what little free time he had before having to go back to work. He works so hard to provide for us, and I want him to know how thankful I am. He is such a perfect example of what I'm getting at here. He never lets life get him down! He's always looking on the bright side of things and lifting those around him.

Take today as an example. I was snarling at almost every passerby because my PMS was actively trying to convince me that they were each out to offend me. Yup. Eeeevery one of them. Poor people just trying to get their shopping carts and baby strollers out of my way before I plowed them over on the way to the meat section. The only person brave enough to try and cheer me up when I get like that is Chuck. The only person wise enough to know HOW is Chuck. =) He let me snarl and fume and then once we got home, he silently and quickly set the table before I had the chance. What a cutie. He is SO my hero!

I taught a private lesson today for the first time in months, and it felt SOOO good! It made me realize how much I've actually missed that part of my life and how excited I am to get started again! It's a lot of work some days, but it's all worth it. It's such a blessing to be able to play the violin at all, but the blessing just compounds when you get to teach, too. I'll be the first to admit that I'm quick to take things for granted, and the opportunity to have a hand in shaping the way a child sees themselves is no exception. I often think so hard and long about the technicalities (what sheet music do I still need to buy? Where did that metronome go?!? I should adjust his finger tapes. We definitely need to work on that scale. When should I have the recital?) that I lose sight of what's really important. For Pete's sake-- I still remember my first violin teacher. I remember everything about her. Most importantly, I remember the faith she had in me. If she would have said, "Jessica, you're a failure. Whatever gave you the idea you could play the violin?" I would have given up right then and there with a fair amount of tears and snot. It blows my mind to think that I am that violin teacher to some of these kids.

I really doubt I'm going to get to heaven and Heavenly Father is going to ask why I never adjusted Bob's finger tapes. If anything, he's going to ask what I learned from those precious children he sent into my life. What did I teach them? Did they grow from knowing me? Was I a positive, uplifting example?

Next time you're tempted to pound your head straight through a wall, take a step back and ask yourself what you're really supposed to be learning. Each experience teaches us something... that I KNOW.

I ask you, does life get any better?!?

And believe me, I'm not preaching all of this from high atop an elevated pedestal where grief, pain, sickness, and despair never reach me. I get discouraged. I get impatient. Heavens to betsy, yes. But I think the beauty of life comes not when you alleviate all undesirable situations or feelings, but when you learn to look around them. For every storm, there will be sunshine afterward. For every sunset, there will be a sunrise. For every tear, there will be a smile, too. The Lord is merciful, and He wants SOOO much to bless us! And look around you! He already has!

If you're reading this, you can not only read (a tremendous blessing, if I do say so myself), but you have a computer or laptop. You have access to the Internet. You have a home (either that or a ridiculously nicely furbished cardboard box). You probably have food in the fridge and munchies in the cupboards. You likely have family either clamoring for your attention by shooting spit wads at you at this very minute (duck!), or you have some somewhere nearby who love you very, very much. The list just goes on and on.

I encourage you all to think about what you're thankful for. Don't concentrate so much on the things that don't hold any weight. Yes, there are dishes multiplying and replenishing the world in the sink. There are kids putting their sticky fingers on the t.v. There are bills to pay and dinner to cook. There are rooms to vacuum and showers to take. But there is so much more to life than just what fills up time!

I once heard a quote that goes something like this "Treasure the 'doing' a little more and the 'getting it done' a little less". Profound wisdom, to be sure.

I'm gonna list off a few things I'm thankful for, just for fun. I'm feelin' a little wild tonight. ;) It probably wouldn't kill you dead to try the same sometime, too! When you're tempted to flip on the t.v. or something, why not try this instead? It might not be as captivating as CSI, but dare I say the payoff will be MUCH bigger =)

  • my husband (that's a surprise, I know!)
  • our marriage for time and all eternity in the House of the Lord
  • our cute little apartment
  • the not-so-cute-anymore love seat that folds us in half whenever we sit on it
  • the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  • the power of prayer
  • priesthood power
  • the opportunity to learn
  • family
  • friends
  • yummy homemade honey butter
  • comfy slippers
  • warm water!
  • music
  • Maurice's clothing store!! (much to my hubby's utter distress)
  • chap stick (ever tried to live without it?!)
I think that's plenty for now... but believe me, I could keep going! Buuuuttt, I really don't think you'd want to read my blog for the next 32 hours. Just thinkin' out loud, there...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love you so much, babe! You never cease to amaze me! I am very proud to be called your husband, AND to call you my wife! We truly do have so much to be thankful for, It's astounding the blessings that have been and ARE poured all over us on a daily basis! Keep your head up ALWAYS! I miss you every day at work, and can't wait to come home to you!

    Love always,
    Your Husband!


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