More Little Moments

Periodically I like to throw in a 'Little Moments That Really Matter' post. Just because I can. And because I haven't blogged in a decade. And because little moments are easy to overlook, but they make up our lives. And you know what? Because they really matter. :)

{Brace yourself for forty million pictures!}

Some moments that I've been loving lately:

-- When I can hear Hannah talking to herself in her crib in the morning and as soon as she sees me, she busts into the biggest smile you've ever seen!

-- When my husband came up behind me as I was doing dishes last night, stole the scrubber, and commenced doing the dishes from behind my back. It required great skill, intense concentration, and some kick-butt team work. :)

-- Spending 13 bucks on a plant for my outdoor stairwell only to watch it slowly die. Oh, wait. No, I didn't enjoy that one so much.

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-- Taking Hannah on her first fishing trip.


Yay! I caught one! We ended up giving it to the people camped next to us because one fish wasn't worth the effort to take home :)

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-- Going on walks with my family.

{My husband cracks me up. The entire walk, I don't think he stopped making car noises. Or hitting every single rock-driveway imaginable. Or popping wheelies. Our kid is going to looove going on walks with her dad when she gets old enough to appreciate it!}

And yes, I used the word "funner". Because that's how I roll.

To be clear, here, he clicked his heels three times. But I was a horrible camera-woman and only caught two.
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-- Surprising my niece on her birthday by bringing her cookies at school {I was just a tag-along, though. I didn't bake the cookies, nor did I come up with the idea. It was all my sister. I wish I could take the credit!}

-- When Hannah gets so excited, her eyes become little more than slits because she's smiling so big!

-- Watching my hubby play with our kidlit during sacrament meeting on Mother's Day, resulting in rare giggles.

-- Checking on Hannah during her nap and finding her like this. Every. Single. Time.

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-- Hannah attending her first symphony concert {in support of her mamma}.

See that tiny head the arrow is pointing at? 'Dats me! :)
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-- My kid's recent obsession with refusing to take naps without an insanely long fight. Oh, wait. No, I don't enjoy that one much, either. But it sure is great when she eventually zonks out!

-- Getting a free meal at Cafe Rio. Finally.

-- Having Zoe come in from burning off some energy and seeing four of the greenest paws you've ever seen. We had just cut the lawn, and, yeah. It didn't take a genius to figure out where she had been playing. :)

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Have some fun and think of what little moments YOU'VE been enjoying the past little bit. You might just surprise yourself!


  1. Family walks are the best! If we didn't live so far away from each other I would knock on your door and get you to go on walks with me frequently because those walks would be awesome too.


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