Once There Was A House. . .

One of my friends brought it to my attention that I haven't posted an update on the house in a while.

She was totally right.

But let me explain myself.

I merely didn't want to put you all to sleep with all that's NOT going on with our house-building-process right now.

Some time around December 23rd-ish, this is what our little bundle of dirt looked like:

{I think that "T" stands for "tall" or maybe "totally awesome". One of the two. . . }


Notice something missing up there? Like. . .  maybe the backside of our third car garage? Yeah. The foundation was poured incorrectly because the architect didn't transfer the extension over onto the blueprints. We're on a roll! hahahaha!

. . . . .

Now, our house pretty much looks like this, instead:


. . . .

Big difference, no? :P

As of today, they dug the hole for our gas line so there's a bunch of dirt on top of the snow. And they have some of the wood needed to start framing hangin' out on top of the subflooring. So, yeah. Snow is not their friend. Nor is it our friend.

I'm certainly learning and relearning patience where the home-buying process is concerned. . . which is always handy. I pinky promise that I'll post more pictures just as soon as there's something worth posting.


  1. Thanks! :) sorry it is going so slow.

  2. That is so frustrating! I really hope it starts coming along, and not in a ridiculous way. :)


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