34 Weeks and The Stroller Box Massacre


Almost there, guys! I can hardly believe it has gone by so fast! Ahhhh!

After the hospital scare where we thought we were going to have a kid before we even had any of her clothes washed (I'm a slacker, I know!), we went right out and finally bought a stroller/car seat. Last night I had the hubs put it together as I sat in a chair and supervised. Dang. I sure am good at that.

First of all, let's just say 1) thank you, Graco, for making your strollers so easy to assemble (seriously); and 2) thank you for that instruction booklet that basically did nothing but say "SNAP!" while showing a picture of what you were supposed to be 'snapping'.  That helped immensely. :)

No sooner were the wheels on the dang thing than my husband commenced in pushing the stroller all around the kitchen and living room while making revving sounds. Then he would 'burn out' while making screeching noises and play bumper cars down the hallway.  He was having WAY too much fun. Then we went ahead and made sure we were smart enough to hook the car seat into the stroller (we were, don't worry!) and he pretended to be talking to Hannah through the nifty little plastic window at the back of the canopy while driving around the house.

What a stud I married.

Of course, then I did a silly thing and mentioned aloud that I wonder what Zoe would do with the giant empty stroller box now sitting in our living room. The rest is history. {By the way, Zoe devoured another ball a couple days ago. Her brand new ball is now in shards in her kennel. No more balls for that dog.}

Okay. Now for the pictures.


And just for kicks, here's a little 'before and after' sort of thing-- I was wearing this same shirt at 12 weeks, so I thought it might be fun to do a comparison :)

Just a little bit of a difference there. . . nothing too noticeable. hahaha! 


  1. Maybe you should do a before and after of zoe too.... She's huge! Did you supervise the cleaning up of that boys too? :-) 3 more weeks until full term!! Then its go time and you know what that entails haha


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