36 Weeks


It's crunch time, folks. I could have a kid in a week! Ahhhh! I'm so excited, and also pretty much scared out of my gourd. But it'll be good :)

P.S. No, I didn't change outfits today just to be cool in my pictures. I swear. Our friends were married today and so I had to throw on my super-sexy-black-circus-tent to celebrate the occasion (oh, and we can't forget my favorite purple sweater, which, after uploading the pictures, I realized I wore in my 35 week post... shhhh.. don't tell). 

And this is so very completely unrelated, but my husband was taking a shower today and our dog (who often hangs out in the bathroom with him) dropped her tennis ball in the tub. She came back to check on it a moment later, but upon poking her head around the shower curtain, she realized that my hubby had hidden it. Call Search and Rescue-- the ball is missing. Holy-panic-attack-for-Zoe.  He got out of the shower, and she wasted no time in attempting to reclaim her lost prize. . . 

And you may notice that neither of her back legs are actually touching the floor. hahaha! What a goofball. And, why yes, those are my pj pants, socks, and shirt hangin' out on the toilet. Holla! ;)


  1. Haha at least they are folded and nicely stacked not just piled there... That would be embarrassing and call for some photoshop magic. Also, you just look so cute. :-)


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