Alpine Loop

Chuck and I took a turn around the Alpine Loop the other day. . . finally! We had been meaning to do it for about 2 weeks, but what with work and life getting in the way, it didn't happen until just recently.

It was well worth the wait, just let me tell you :)

Here are some funny and/or interesting things you can't tell from the pictures:

- Shorty needed his breaks replaced at the time, and so nearly the entire trip was serenaded by a high-pitched squeak coming from both front wheels. It was so relaxing. ;)
- The hubs was joking that we would have a mob of squirrels and chipmunks running after the car by the end of the drive thanks to the squeaky breaks.
- On our way to the dreaded 'canyon toilet' for the pregnant woman's potty break, we passed a group of Oriental tourists in dress clothes pulled off the side of the road. I wouldn't have taken note of them except for the fact that they appeared to be dancing in the photos they were taking of each other. Random. I guess fall leaves have that effect on some people :)
- My camera is special, and I don't mean that in a good way. More like a "I-spilled-eggnog-on-it-shortly-after-getting-it-out-of-the-box-some-years-ago-and-it-has-since-been-dropped-about-forty-million-times" kind of special. It also appears to be temperamental when it comes to my husband trying to operate it. It refused to cooperate. . . until I started to walk towards him and offer my assistance. THEN it worked.


So suave.

Anywhoo, here are some more random pictures from the venture. Sorry that I didn't think to take pictures of the dancing tourists. . . I promise to remember next time ;)

Why, hello zoom button! How are you today?

Whoops. Stupid zoom button. I really liked this picture, and so I try and forget that it's freakishly close to our faces. :)

So there you have it!

Oh, and guess what?! I'm 35 weeks along today. Yatzee!


  1. You literally make me laugh out loud everytime!
    Yahtzee! :)
    "So suave"!
    hahahahahaha--and you DID look suave.

    For a second when I saw the last picture, I thought your belly had disappeared--your shirt was white and so is the door! So I thought, she looks mighty good for 35 WEEKS?? Where is she hiding the baby--oh, there it is.
    It's late. I'm tired. :)

  2. I too had to search for your belly. Its ok. She's still in there. You are so close! I am just counting down the days over here! I seriously can't wait to see her! Also you are a cute couple even up freakishly close :-)


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