Bear With Me!


So I reeeeallly miss posting, but I have been up to my eyeballs with crazy stuff and I haven't even had time to think about writing a real-live post.. Most of said business has to do with this little squeaker:


. . . and her first birthday party.

She turned a whole whopping one year old this past Thursday, and her birthday party is tomorrow. I'm hoping that the decorations all work together and play nicely when I put them all in one room. I'm also hoping that it doesn't rain tomorrow, but you know what they say about hope... or maybe you don't? My husband is always kind enough to remind me that you have hope in one hand, and poo in the other.

I won't pretend that I know exactly what that means. But it can't be good :)

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The other thing that has been keeping me busy is this little fella:


Remember him?

Well, as of today, he looks like this:



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I know it doesn't look like much. . . but if you've ever built a house and had to wait for permits to be submitted and then RESUBMITTED {grrr!}, you know how exciting it is to drive up to your lot and see a huge mound of dirt. :)

I'll be sure to post pictures of Hannah's party as soon as I can! Thank you for being so patient with me!



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