August's Little Moments

Little moments that I have been enjoying for the month of August:

I love that Hannah went through a stage where she would clamp onto the spoon whenever I fed her and hold on for dear life until I let go of my end. Then, of course, it would clatter to the floor and smear baby food all over her. But it was adorable! That's why they make bibs and rubber-coated spoons, right?!

I'm happy that Hannah outgrew that stage, however, so that feeding her doesn't take 20 minutes.

My faith and determination to stay on the sunny-side-of-life has been tested this month, and I have come out champion. I'll post more about that later when things simmer down a little bit :)

My kid loves hot sauce. I don't know why or how it happened, but if you give her a packet of mostly-empty-but-really-rather-spicy-salsa-or-hot-sauce, she will suck on it and demand more.

Zoe and Hannah are thick as thieves and it brings my heart happiness to turn around from doing the dishes/making dinner and see Hannah sitting contentedly on her blanket in the living room; toys abandoned at her chubby little feet, reaching for Zoe. Zoe, in turn, doesn't freak out when Hannah clamps down and pinches her cheek. She actually loves to lay beside Hannah and try to steal an overlooked banana puff every now and again.

As bad of a mother as this makes me sound, it cracks me up when I periodically hear Zoe's 'Dogzilla' toy {mentioned in THIS post} being chewed on and I find that instead of Zoe chewing on it, it's Hannah. I swear that kid can tell when I'm not looking because she will bend in half and contort her body in any way imaginable to get a hold of that toy, whip it up to her mouth and set those two teeth to chompin' before I know what's going on!

 Fake coughs and baby toots:
{you really only need to watch from about the 40 second mark to the 55 second mark. . . I just wasn't cool enough to edit it that way!}

And last but certainly not least-- being the wife to my amazing husband is something that I thank my lucky stars for every single day! He does so much to let me know that he loves me, and I am so grateful to be his wife!


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