June's Little Moments

Some little moments that I'm enjoying right now:

-- Becoming proficient at typing with one hand because Hannah just really loves hangin' out on my lap.

-- Doggy kisses and snuggles like these:

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-- THIS song {thanks, Kels!}. It's strangely addicting.

-- Miss Mae falling asleep on my chest today. Actually, it started out as my chest but quickly became my arm. It's been so long since she's done that, it was totally worth the numb appendage. And when she woke up {and even before she fell asleep}, she just stared at me and played with my face. LOVE.

--"Dogzilla" dog toys:
This toy is AMAZING. If you have a dog that likes to chew, I would definitely recommend it. Some of you may remember the fate of Zoe's last favorite toy {found HERE. . . and a similar experience HERE}. Needless to say, we were in dire need of a durable toy, and we found it for around 9 buckeroos.

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-- Nap time.  'Nuff said.

-- Impromptu visits with family.

-- Home cooked meals.

-- Being married to a man who sneaks his way into doing the dishes for me despite his being on his feet all day at work.

-- Did I mention nap time?

-- A good book. {right now: "Love on the Line" by Deeanne Gist}

-- Spotify. I just love it.

-- Having a husband with a shaved head. Yeah. Craaaazy, I know. {and by 'shaved', I mean-- so smooth it squeaks}

-- Imagining all the fun traditions we'll have when Squeaker gets a little bit bigger. . .

-- How Zoe "checks for murders" every single time I go to the bathroom. She comes with me {naturally. . . she's like a second kid and follows me everywhere} and sticks her head behind the shower curtain at least once.

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To get the scoop on other little moments that I love, you can click HERE or just search for "little moments" in the search bar off to the right. Over yonder.


  1. I'm glad you love that song too! Its different... but you can't get it out of your head!! haha


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