The Zoo

I tried to think up a creative title for this post, but my brain threatened to overheat. . . so I decided to just go with the nice, simple, straight-forward, original: "The Zoo."

What's that you say? It's not original? Dang it. . .

I've wanted to take Hannah to Hogel Zoo for months now, but with my hubby's weird schedule, it just wasn't happening. The other day, however, Chuck let the words, "We should go to the zoo some time!" slip from his mouth, and the next day we were on our way. I'm sure the poor man meant "some time in the near future when it's not 100 degree weather", but I kinda forgot about it being June in the desert.


It was still super fun, though! We went on a Thursday morning, hoping to avoid the crowds of crazed zoo enthusiasts, but I'm pretty sure every stroller-pushing-kid-toting person in the entire state was there. And their screaming, hyper children. 

Thankfully, Hannah was pretty chill. {Whew!} But I'm sure when she gets a little older and actually understands why we keep walking up to trees and pointing and saying "Ooooh! Look at that!", she'll be clumped into the cluster of screaming, hyper children.

I look forward to that day with great anticipation. . . sorta. ;)

Without further ado, here are the pictures we took. {And I totally realize that looking at a picture of an animal isn't very exciting. We get to see pictures of animals all the time, right?!? So feel free to just breeze on by these bad boys and just nod and smile :) }

Such bizarre looking things. . . 

The kid LOVES chewing on her binky clip. She's a weirdie :)

I promise the giraffe wasn't a contortionist. . . It was a mamma and a baby standing next to each other. :)

See?  You just can't tell one is a baby!

Hannah really wanted her picture taken. . . can you tell?

My favorite moment was watching the rhino eat. What a cutie :)

This dude was HUGE. The picture really doesn't do him justice!
I'm pleased to announce that we escaped with no sunburns and only minimal sweat stains. All in all, t'was a success!


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