Must or Bust - Dinnertime!


It's Wednesday.

This week's Must or Bust is an electrifying blend of meat and herbs. I know. Check your pulse. . . the excitement might be too much for your arteries. :)

Herb Rolls : Must

These bad boys were good, albeit interesting (you'd better like herbs). I did two things differently from the original recipe {HERE}. Numero Uno: I didn't hold my egg under warm water before cracking it. Yeah. . . Nope. Sorry. Too much work. Numbero Dos: I baked my rolls for somewhere around 12 minutes, but I'm not entirely sure. I kinda stopped resetting the timer after so long and just kept an eyeball on them.

They were very moist. . . which is a must for dinner rolls in my book. However, they have a very 'herby' flavor {description compliments of the hubs}, so just be sure you serve them with a dish that doesn't have any clashing flavors.

. . . .

Baked Parmesan Garlic Chicken: Must

I'll be honest. . . my chicken didn't look nearly as amazing. But it still tasted good. . . and that's all that really matters. :)

It's the easiest thing in the world-- just four ingredients! I changed a couple things on this one. . . instead of using chicken breasts, I used chicken tenders. As such, I only baked them for 15 minutes or so. Also, I substituted a beaten egg for the water. . . because I'm wild like that.

BAM. Done.

Dinner is served.



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