Bit by Bit. . .

I figured it's about time that I update everyone on the coming-along of our little home. We're still looking at being able to move in around the middle of March, which really isn't that far away if you think about it. I ponder on how much de-cluttering, packing, and cleaning that I'l need to do before then and it makes me want to start right now! Fortunately, I'm much too lazy to start all of that before the walls in the home are even finished. So don't worry, husband, we won't be living out of boxes for over a month. I promise! :)

. . .

A few weeks ago, it looked like this:

 photo FramingtheroofJan-2013_zps89fe8b2e.png

. . . with only one small hiccup.

 photo SomethingsMissing_zps6e92e83b.png

Seeing as how they had to re-pour the third-car garage, it took longer to finish that part of the frame work.So, yeah, our house looked kinda funny for a while.

We walked around inside and snapped a few pictures to laugh about later {long after we've moved in and can no longer remember this stage of the process}:

 photo KitchenBayWindow_zps97ce7afe.png
{standing in the kitchen and looking out through the bay window}

 photo MasterBathroom_zps938c1f35.png
{the view from our master bathroom}

 photo Stairway_zpsb5c5532a.png
{the stairway to the basement}

 photo StandinginLivingRoomlookingintomasterbedroom_zps2976f37d.png
{standing in the living room, looking through the wall into the teeny tiny master bedroom}

. . .

Then we got our windows {and a porta-potty} installed about a week ago:

 photo Windows_zps68134f09.png

{I know this is all terribly exciting for you. . . hahaha! Hopefully you're not slobbering on your keyboards right now}

And then today I saw a beautiful sight . . .one we have been waiting for weeks and weeks to see!

 photo Finally--AFinishedGarage_zpsebbd8114.png

A ROOF! Our garage is now part of the cool club and the workers can begin on the next step. I'll be sure to keep you all posted when there are some more noticeable changes. :)


  1. Awesome!! I'm having house envy. Especially since ours is having issues. Lol

    ~ Celeste

  2. Awesome!! I'm having house envy. Especially since ours is having issues. Lol

    ~ Celeste

  3. There's only a little slobber on my keyboard.... sheesh. Also, I love it and can't wait for the walk through! I'll bring you a plant for you table or something haha!


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