12 Months + 12 Posts

Oh, blog.

How I have missed you, you old devil.

It's been almost exactly one year since my last post. . . how is that even possible? Well, let's not talk about that. Let's talk about posts.

To kick start the fact that I have been a slacker for ONE year (12 months, see), I figured it'd be fun to take a stroll down memory lane. Let's talk about the top 12 posts that have been viewed over ONE hundred times (see what I did there? ).

To start, let's take it way back. Like, 2012-way-back.

12) "Dear 12 Year Old Me" posted HERE has been viewed 137 times. That's a horrifyingly large amount of people who have viewed my old photos.

11) 163 dear souls tuned into the open letter to my Boppy pillow found HERE.

10) Ever wonder what fabric scraps and water have in common? Well, join the 199 viewers who found out when they read "Spilled Water and Fabric Scraps" found HERE.

9) 203 readers must have dirty washing machines just like I did ("do"... let's be real). "Must or Bust: Washing Your Washing Machine" found HERE will give you some hints on cleaning up your front loading washer!

8) If you're on the hunt for a good sunless tanning lotion, look no further! "Must or Bust: Self Tanner and Shaving Lotion" HERE will help you out. You, me, and 230 other people will be delightfully tan in no time!

7) When Hannah was born, she came with a really strong attitude and an equally strong pair of lungs. Read all about her first photo shoot in THIS post (aptly titled "The Photo Shoot"), along with 280 of my sweet readers.

6) Our anniversary got a whopping 295 views HERE in the post "6 Whopping Years".

5) A post about my "30 Weeks" belly roped in 301 views HERE.  If I knew what made it so very special, I would duplicate it. Maybe it was the picture of the pixy sticks?

4) 307 people are all about peaches in this post: "Peaches, Peaches, and More Peaches" found HERE. And, hello. I can totally understand why. It makes me excited for fall!

3) *gasp* Another Must or Bust post! 339 souls enjoyed learning all about etching glass (which is totally awesome) and how not to clean your pores HERE in "Must or Bust: Glass Etching and Pore Cleaning".

2) "Behold the Wisdom of the Cheese Grater" HERE has been viewed 537 times, much to the chagrin of my hubster. But let the record show, I'm the worst at remembering to wash that darn grater.

And my number one most viewed post of all time?


1) "How To Sew A (Striped) Pleated Crib Skirt" HERE has been viewed 595 times. That's a lot of striped crib skirts, guys.

Thank you for sticking around and being so patient with my sporadic posting. I hope you enjoyed this little walk down memory lane!


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