26 Weeks and A Surprise!

My best friend had her baby yesterday! Yay!

We decided we absolutely had to get pedicures before she had her little one, so on Saturday she and I went out to lunch, got pedis, and stuffed our faces with frozen custard afterwards. We were joking that she couldn't go into full labor until AFTER we got our pigs painted, because she had been having small contractions all day.

Well, turns out that it's a good thing we didn't postpone our girl's date any longer!

I can't wait to meet this little fella! He was 3 weeks early, and that got me to thinking...

In 7 weeks, I could have my kid and she would be 3 weeks early. 7 weeks. Seven of them. That's not very many days, folks. It kinda sent my brain into a spasm. . . a good one, but a spasm nonetheless. :)

Time has been FLYING by lately. I swear I barely have time to snap a picture of my growing hemisphere before it's time to take another one. Crazy. {And believe me, I'm not complaining. Being 6 months pregnant in August isn't the coolest thing in the world; literally or figuratively :P}

I figured it might be fun to share some of the things I've noticed about my pregnancy thus far:

  • I am a total klutz. I think I dropped 3 things yesterday just while making dinner. One item was the lid to my parsley flakes. It fell in the bowl full of chicken broth and cream of chicken soup that I was mixing {it was fun fishing THAT out! Not. . .}. Another thing was a steak knife on the kitchen floor quite close to my flip flopped foot. Not so good. I can't remember the third thing, which brings me to bullet number 2.
  • I have no brain. I made a shopping list for the week's dinners and when I got home and started reviewing the recipes, I realized I totally skipped some very important items. How? I have no clue. I am like a complete space cadet these days.
  • I am running out of shirts that are long enough to disguise my unzipped pants. I can still use a hair elastic to hold my pants together, but the zippers refuse to go up. It's a little awkward when your mother-in-law sees you and says something like, "Oh, I see you can't do up your pants anymore!"  "Um... yup." {as I frantically pull on my shirt to cover my zipper. Bad deal, folks}
  • I steal my husband's pillows while he's working at night. I have one stuffed behind my back and another stuffed in front of me when he comes home in the morning. I'm sure I must look like a preggo burrito or something. . .
  • I got my first dose of the 'nesting instinct' the other night. It started at probably 10:30 pm and I didn't stop until about 12:00 am. I scrubbed the floor boards and around the toilet in the bathroom {pretty sure there was stuff growing there that had legs and an I.Q}, which turned into just cleaning the entire bathroom. Then I moved into the bedroom and completely rearranged and cleaned the shelving. I vacuumed the floor in the living room and bedroom, and emptied the trash. I scrubbed the kitchen sink and cleaned the garbage can. I disinfected the counter tops. I guess you could say that I went a little crazy. My poor hubby had never heard of the nesting instinct before, so he was mightily confused. I tried to explain it to him in-between tasks, but I don't think I did a very good job putting his mind at ease. :)
I'll try and share some of the cute baby stuff I've seen on the internet (Pinterest, of course) in the next day or two. But without further ado, I give you the baby bump:


  1. Legs AND an IQ! Hilarious. You are just hilarious. And cute, might I add, even, no, scratch that, especially while pregnant! :)

  2. so, we should go get pedicures again in approx. 7 weeks? Want to??? hahah! gotta love nesting huh? Tyler would sit and watch me in amazement and say "who are you and what have you done with my wife?!" or "you're turning into a crazy nesting woman!" it's a good way to get things done though!


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