I'm Alive!


I'm not dead. You all probably thought I was. I've just been busy with not blogging. Do you ever have a stretch of time where you just can't think of a darn thing to blog about? Or is that just me?

Right now, I am being eaten up by a burning desire to decorate my own home. Of course, we have to OWN our home first before I can decorate it. . . but we're working on that part.  Slowly but surely. Brace yourself now, because there are a lot of WANTS coming your way. . .  and that calls for a quick disclaimer. I don't want to sound like a spoiled selfish brat who 'wants wants wants' all day long. These are just some things that I would like to see happen some day. Also, I'm going to refer to things as "mine" when I want it very quite crystal clear that I mean "my husband's, too". Oh, and these are in no particular order of importance. Capeesh?

I want to:

-plant a garden in my own yard. Oh, and have it actually grow things. :)
-plant flowers in the front yard and sweep the sidewalk.
-hang cute decorations on the front door that let people know I'm not a complete psycho (I hope).
-put up Christmas lights (after Thanksgiving, mind you) and then take them down in a prompt manner instead -of letting them sit outside and fester until July.
-organize my garage and keep the darn thing tidy.
-have clean carpet. Ahhh. Clean carpet. . . how I've missed you.
-have an actual room for my baby instead of haphazardly positioning things in our own tiny bedroom.
-have sunflowers in my kitchen.

Alright. Those are enough wants for now, I think.

I really just wanted to let ya'll know I was still alive and kickin' ;)


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