
Unfortunately, I haven't had much in the "interesting" line of information to share with you all lately {Or maybe that's fortunate because that means nothing horrible has been happening. . . take your pick}. But I figured you deserved an update nonetheless.

Hannah is growing like a little weed and everything seems to be going great! The results from my glucose screening test was that my iron was low, but that's an easy fix with a little expensive supplement. I had a dream that I delivered her last night. . . but during the dream, I kept asking my mom what happened because I couldn't remember ANYTHING. I couldn't remember feeling contractions; driving to the hospital; delivering my baby-- nothin'. It was a weird sensation. I was also freaking out because I hadn't seen her yet, and I had delivered her at only 27 1/2 weeks. No one would tell me where she was! Then, suddenly and without any explanation {as dreams like to do}, my sister was sitting in the hospital room holding my happy, healthy baby and lifted her up for me to hold. I went to take her and remembered that I should wash my hands first. I turned from her to go to the sink and she started wailing like I had taken away her birthday. Poor little thing! It melted my heart. I also found it strange that my husband was the one laying in my hospital bed while I was roaming around the room. . . who knows. Weird stuff. But it made me excited to hold my little baby girl when the time comes!

The house hunt has come to a crashing halt for various reasons, none of which are cool. But I shan't bore you with the details. It's been good for me, though, because it has stressed me out, depressed me, and forced me to become stronger than I was before.  Trials are good for that sort of thing.

I just have to keep reminding myself of how very much the Lord knows, and how very little I know. Getting my panties in a knot about something never does anyone any good. . . especially my panties. I need to learn to relax and stay calm. I know that if Heavenly Father could bring my husband and I together under really wacky circumstances, then He knows exactly how {and when} to get us into a home suited for our needs. Not so very long ago, I thought I'd NEVER get married. Just like the hubs and I can't see how it's possible we'll EVER get into a home any time within the next millennium. But the Lord is pretty good at discrediting our 'never's and 'ever's {thank goodness!} :)


  1. Jessica! It's Kira. :) I found your blog from another friend with the same name Keira! Remember me? You better ;) Well anyways, I hope you don't mind but I added you to my peeps! I love your blog and I am so happy for you! I am sorry about finding a house, but I think you are right... Just be patient and have faith.. Things will work out! I am going through a similar situation. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. You are so witty and uplifting at the same time. :) I love it.

    We had a similar situation a couple years ago. Everytime we found a house, our plans were frustrated, and we got a very clear, "NO." I was disappointed, and didn't understand why.

    Right after that, Nick and I BOTH lost half our hours at work (the economy tanked)--with NO CHANCE of getting them back (still the same today, 4 years later!). Instead of getting ourselves into a fixer-upper house with tons of debt (and then a water heater busting or something), we had $20,000 saved to get us through the (continued) hard times. That money has absolutely saved us--a car breaks down, a medical/dental emergency, a surprise move, paying for tuition, they happen. Life happens. Had we used all that for a house, we would have no buffer and a car bill would have been a true emergency instead of what it was--an inconvenience. We would have bankrupted, lost the house, moved in his parent's basement, and put our schooling on hold.
    Instead, we still have some savings left for Nick's degree to finish in December (YAY!), we had a healthy baby boy and provided for him well, I got to be a stay at home mom, and I also get to finish my education! No debt, all good news, and no bankruptcy and parent's basements!

    The Lord ALWAYS knows what's best! At the time I was disappointed, but I couldn't be more grateful for the way things turned out now!

    And I'm not saying you should not buy a house, I'm very excited for you if you do! I'm just sharing my disappointment and frustration which ended up being the best thing that ever happened to us! :) Good luck!


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