The Garbage Cans

I have to tell you a little story.

The entrance to our basement apartment happens to abut the wonderful collection of 4 household garbage cans-- 2 recycling, 2 garbage. We also have a dog. She does her business in the backyard, which, of course, means that we often have to pick up her business in Wal-Mart baggies and dispose of them in said garbage cans. It's August in Utah, which means that it gets really-way-too-hot during the day. The garbage cans sit and roast in the evening light every day of their lives.

As you can imagine, they don't smell too good. And being preggo really doesn't help, I don't think. Having a supersonic nose and 4 potentially horrendously smelly garbage cans right outside your house? Not cool.

I was sweeping the entry way stairs the other day and, while breathing through my mouth to help combat the stench I was sure was going to kill me, I had a weird gospel epiphany. I've been known to have those from time to time. :)

I was pondering on how nice it was to walk into the house and close the door because my trusty Scenty was busy spreading its love throughout the house-- one could no longer smell the stinkiness once inside. Then it hit me-- it's so very important for us to strive to make our homes a safe-haven from the crud of the world. Our husbands, children, family members, random people off the street should all be able to feel safe and relaxed once in our home. And we should, too, of course. They need a place to be able to escape the stinky garbage cans of the world, and what better place than the home?

Enough about that.

I just wanted to tell you all really quick how absolutely adorable my husband is. The bigger my belly gets, the cuter he acts. It's pretty sweet. :) He was the love of my life before. . . And NOW?! I just seem to love him more and more every day. He's always telling me how much he loves me, and showing it, too. He gets really nervous when he doesn't back hear from me while he's at work (in my defense, I have a baby sucking my brain cells and it's sometimes hard to hear my phone!), and he seems more inclined to cuddle these days (which I'm more than okay with).

I just love him, everybody. He's the best thing that ever happened to me :)      


  1. once upon a time I want a Scentsy. I still don't have one to spread love throughout my house. Also, husbands are the best. I love it when Tyler makes a big deal over something I did just to make me smile or laugh because he knows I know he appreciates me so he tries to make me laugh. Tyler doesn't like to cuddle when I'm prego though... my belly is too much of a furnace, he would burn right up. He does anyway... but it usually only lasts a minute max :)


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