Rocky Mountain Raceway

Yesterday afternoon, the hubs and I went to what is called a "Test and Tune" down at RMR (Rocky Mountain Raceway).

He was itching to race his truck and I was itching to watch him. :)  It was hot, and I was quite possibly the world's worst camera woman. I wish I could pretend I have someone else to blame for the crazy videos, but alas, I have no one to point the finger at but myself. Maybe I'll blame my big belly. . . that works for just about everything!

The truck (lovingly nicknamed Humpty for reasons you'd just have to know us to understand) has run a 12.27 @ 111.7 MPH before, but that was in the middle of the night when the temperature was much cooler. Yesterday the fastest he ran was a 12.37 @ 110.3 MPH.

"What's the difference?" you might ask. I sometimes ask myself the same question. :) But in the wild world of racing, there is a huge difference between what we call "high" twelves and "low" twelves, for example. 12.8 would be a "high" twelve, and something like 12.2 would be considered "low". Even though it's all in the same dang second, there's a pretty big difference. Who'da thunk, right?!

The first video is Chuck racing a friend named Zach. Zach was pretty pleased with himself for shaving off 150lbs of truck weight simply by removing one set of tires (his truck is a dually, so don't panic). That's a lot of weight! But speaking of weight reduction, my car drew the short straw because it had to haul around Humpty's tool boxes, tow ropes, hitches, and literally every last piece of paper and various item usually found within his confines. Seriously, folks. I think the only thing left in Humpty's glove box was a pen that we had to borrow from a Mustang owner to fill out paperwork. Not a lone napkin could be found in the truck. . . too much weight! ;)

Anywhoo, I hope you enjoy! Oh, and sorry the videos uploaded so small. If you click on them twice, it will link you directly to YouTube so you can view them full screen. It's much more exciting that way ;)


Yay for the hubs! I'm so proud of him!!


  1. ... this post is mostly in another language...

    I like your videos though. You're not so bad at it after all, be nice to yourself! :)


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